Zane Weissman CV - LinkedIn - GitHub - Scholar - Email

A headshot of Zane Weissman.I am a Ph.D. researcher at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) researching microarchitectural security threats to modern cloud systems under the supervision of Berk Sunar (WPI) and Thomas Eisenbarth (University of Lübeck). I have published two papers presenting new threats posed by FPGAs in the cloud. My latest publication is a security analysis of AWS's new Firecracker MicroVM that identifies multiple significant vulnerabilities and oversights in system setup recommendations. In 2019, I completed my BS and MS in electrical and computer engineering at WPI, where my particular interests included embedded systems programming and computer architecture and design. I am currently looking for positions in cybersecurity, computer architecture, FPGA implementation, or embedded systems design.

Research Interests

